We're back online after a long hiatus - the company that hosted my website folded under the weight of COVID related issues. It's taken some time to decide where and how to host things again. Plus, I have been busy raising Declan.

You'll find all the most recent posts here, with some reflections on the past year.

What A Daycare

We are kind of blessed in our little town of Poultney with an exceptional daycare facility. Katies Educational Daycare (which just got its pre-school license) is a team of two amazing women. They have really made a difference in Declan's life - we see changes in him daily that are obviously the influence of his life at this wonderful 'school'. Laura and I are also gaining big blocks of time in the morning to get our chores done. We still do laundry at a laundromat that only takes quarters. We use up about $20 in quarters just to wash all our family clothes and bedding.

Birthday Pre-Fun

Declan turned two years old on Saturday. Today is Monday and we will be celebrating over at Gram and Grandpa's house. We have many fun gifts for him and hopefully he will eat too much chocolate.

Rain, Rain, Rain is FUN!

VT old-timers talk about the 'mud season' and I've yet to experience it. However, Declan is enjoying the occasional rain and his new Croc's are a blessing.

Cozy time

Laura likes the cozy, and now Declan is a fan. He clambers up onto the bed and tells anyone who is not in the bed to 'SIT', meaning 'Join me in the cozy!'

New Shirt!

This is how I like to dress now, says Declan.